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Last week hundreds of locals in the village of Coolock protested outside the disused old Crown Paints factory against plans to turn the site into an Asylum center for Refugees. The protest soon turned into a riot where the Gardai were forced to use pepper spray and riot tactics against those protesting to try and restore law and order.

Of course, Coolock isn't the only flashpoint to have made headlines over recent months, many towns and villages across Ireland have seen similar occurrences where locals have protested against asylum centers in their local areas and some have ended up in clashes with the Gardai.

The outcome of all this is that it is evident that local people do not want undocumented Migrants living in their local areas yet despite this the Government presses on and ignores the local people.

The government of course emboldened with their recent success in the local elections will tell you that these protests are small and localised and the majority of people have no problem with Asylum centers across the country.

However, the question must be asked as to why Ireland is receiving any of these refugees or as some would say illegal immigrants at all.

Ireland is situated in the West of Europe, and many of these Refugees are coming in from the UK or through the UK from Europe. When you speak to some of these refugees you quickly discover they have come here for free houses and money and not to escape a war-torn country, some refugees had a previous life in the UK but heard that Ireland was offering more so they have decided to to move to Ireland.

Whilst it has to be said that not all refugees are bogus the sheer fact that many thousands are coming here through safe European countries, the real and true asylum seekers are losing out not only on our ability to help them but on having their claim heard at all.

However, the real question that must be asked, just why is our government not only allows thousands of people to come to Ireland when it is evident we cannot cope, we certainly do not have homes for all and placing unvetted men into local communities and the people of Ireland when it's obvious many communities do not want this.

Is our government's first responsibility not to the people of Ireland?


Dundalk muslim migrants mock Irish protesters from their taxpayer funded accommodation!